1:A hen that tramples on a soldier ant must not take to its heels thereafter
2:Picking one or two palm nuts is picking one or two palm nuts but, when you go with a basket it becomes a theft
3:He who cracks the kernel knows which to put into his mouth.
4:Turning round does not place ones buttocks in front 
5:Goats owned in common dies of hunger 
6:A bird does not perch on the roof for nothing but, for gathering information
7:Those who have no strenght fights the fight of lizards
8:When a child tries to chew corn faster than his father his tooth will help him fetch water 
9:He who knows how to make trouble should as well know how to wrestle
10:He who knows how to drink medicine prepared for other persons will one day drink poison 
11: He who dances to the tune of the spirits should know that his time is near
12:When the spoon does not visit the place of the pot the pot in return will not visit the place of the spoon 
13:The rabbit says "anything that wants to kill him should wake him up and let it be that he could not run.
14: Changing into a lion is not the problem but getting the tail of a lion
15:If the mouth and the tongue quarrels, they enviably make up because they have to stay in the same head.
16:An eagle does not go to the market place unless there is something there for him
17:When trees fall on trees, first the topmost must be removed 
18:A bush does not sway this way or that way unless there is wind.
19:That the mangrove tree dwells in the middle of the river does not make it a crocodile.
20:It is where the hand of a child reaches that he hangs his bag.
21:Woods may remain under water for ten years but it can never change it a crocodile
22:A man who answers to every summon by the town crier will never plant corns in his fields
23:A animal whose name is famous hardly fills a hunters basket
24:Why would a man mounting a widow listern for footsteps outside her hut when he knows how far her man has travelled
25:Its better for a dog to die in the house of a hen than for a hen to die in the farm yard of a dog
26:The rain can fall on the leopard but,it can never wash off its black spots.
27:All lizards lies prostrate how can one now tell which one suffers belly ache
28:It is difficult to detect the way that leads to ones destination with ones eyes soaked under water.
29:When a child refuses to ask about what killed his father, what killed his father will also kill him.
30:The death that kills a dog does not allow him to perceive the aroma of shits.
31:The face does not make the man but,what is in the inside shows the man
32:Those who makes friends with spirits should also remember to keep the laws of the spirits
33:The eagle says that "since the hunter have learnt to shoot without missing, he had also learnt to fly without petching 
34:It is the ignorant of the rat that makes him to challenge the cat to a wrestling match
35:A cooking for the lizards is a cooking pot for the chameleons.
36:When crocodiles eat their own eggs what will they not do to the flesh of a frog ?
37:A crockroach is never innocent in the gathering of hens.
38:until a rotten tooth is pulled out the mouth must always chew with caution.
39:The monkey and gorilla may claim oneness but, the gorilla is gorrila and the monkey is monkey.
40:The snake that chases a frog to the market place has declared war on humanity.
41:He who drums for a sick man is in himself a sickman.
42:if you want to get to the root of a murder, you must look for the blacksmith who made the marchet.
43:when a man bends to peep into a hole the sky will also be peeping his anus.
44:When humans creates burial ground it becomes a dwelling place for the spirits.
45:When the wood insects gathers stick on its own head it carries them.
46:when you beat a child with the right hand ,you draw him near with the left.
47:The hyena flirts with the hen ,the hen is happy not knowing that her death has come .
48:he who wants to eat with the devil must have a long spoon 
49:When a frong in front falls into a pit others behind takes cautions.
50:Meat that has fats will prove it by the heat of fire.
51:No termite ever boasts of devouring rocks.
52:It is what is in the head when there is no wine in the head that comes out when there is wine in the head.
53:He who brings home woods that contains insects, should know that he has invited the lizards to a feast.
54:The snail might try but it can never cast of its shell.
55:when the chameleon brings forth a son is that child not expected to dance.
56:when a person leaves his food unwatched, then he has by error of ommissionor commission allowed it to get burnt.
57:The venom of the viper can do nothing to the shell of a tortoise 
58:Yam that must burn must burn boiled or roasted 
59: If a rat tries to follow with a toad he unfortunately gets drowned.
60:when a snail finds splinter in his shell it changes home.
61:A flower that over grows other flowers does not know when danger is around.
62:When a child keeps silent what would have happened to him will also keep silent.
63:A prophet with a locked mouth is neither a seer nor a prophet.
64:No one digs up immature yams unless he is a thief.
65:A hen that sleeps on the roof in the village will also sleep on the roof when taken to the city
66:Those who die in the creeks are often those who knows how to swim in oceans.
67:The ear that refuses yo hear ;when the head is cut off goes down with it.
68:Lightening never strikes a place twice.
69:what an elder sees whilst sitting down a child can never seen even while standing on a hilltop.
70:the advice of elders are ornaments seasoned with love.
71:The basket can go to the river can never fetch water.
72:A wise man agrees with his wife and eats lumps of smoked fish in his soup ; a fool contradicts his wife and eats lumps of cocoyam 
73:A fly that refuses to held to advice often goes yo the grave with corpse.
74:A child being carried around by his mother does not know how far the journey is.
75:That a hen sleeps in the house does not mean that it does not know its way to the roof.
76:It is not how to play the rhythm BT to have the legs to dance to the tune that is the problem.
77:No firewood ever produces smoke without fire.
78:When a person pounding food gets tired he starts chasing hens.
79:when a king gets satisfied he also assumes that his subjects are also satisfied 
80:A man falling into dark water seeks a momentary footling even on sliding stones.
81:The older a man gets the more difficult it is for him to retain the believing conception of his own death.
82:He who pelts another with pebbles asks for rocks in return.
83:Kola nuts lasts long in the mouth of those who value them 
84:That a lion is asleep does not make it less than a lion 
85:A chicken eats corns,drinks water, swallows pebbles, yet she complains of having no teeth. If she had teeth would she eat Gold ? Let her ask the cow who have teeth yet eats grass 
86:When a child decides to shot down an elephant with an ordinary catapult, he ends up being crushed by the elephant.
87:A son is a son ; a husband is a husband .a woman can not love both equally 
88:He who does not want noise while eating his meal must learn to avoid buying food stuffs on credit.
89:It is good to be a child but, its bad to remain a child 
90:The monkey that always wants to see the hunters face will one day receive the hunters bullet.
91:A hunter who is prepared to kill an elephant should be prepared to carry it.
92:We do not ask a toad for a chair because he himself is squatting 
93:The cock that crows was once an egg
94:That a man hungs a calabash on his neck does not make him a drunk.
95:It is not by staying long on a woman that will make her bear a male child.
96:A single finger can not remove a louse from the head.
97:It is not for a clean mouth that makes the Hippopotamus open its mouth for the river bird to perk at.
98:The hawk does not pick on the chicks for sports.
99:A man does not use his wife to entertain strangers.
100: A wood pecker can peck all woods but can not peck stones.

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